Published: Monday, 13 January 2014

New Paint booth will paint large equipment

  • Including equipment with more than 19 meters of length; differenced technology.

CabinePinturaThe acquisition of one paint booth with high technology and capacity for meeting, specially, large-sized equipment such as the WHRU (Waste Heat Recovery Unit) is included in an investment package carried out by Asvotec in 2013 with a plan for increasing the company's productivity. The supplier is Arprotec, a company of the city Valinhos and the equipment is already in operation.

According to the Engineering Supervisor for Designs/Drawings, Mr. Lídio Antonio de Oliveira, the booth has 19 meters of length, two inlet and outlet doors and resources which allow utilizing only the half of the capacity for small and medium-sized parts, as well as it allows painting equipment with more than 19 meters of length.

When the utilization is partial, special curtains work as a sealing of the area in use. This sealing also occurs if the equipment has more than 19 meters of length and part of the piece remains exposed outside the booth. It is also possible to perform the painting until with two different colors at the same time, without interference each other. The results are higher quality than the quality before obtained.
The purchase of equipment is integral part of the agreement with GE Oil & Gas for the manufacturing of the WHRU. Mr. Lídio emphasizes that this investment means an advance for Asvotec, both in technology and capacity increase and also in safety improvement, quality life of its collaborators and environmental preservation.
Also according to the supervisor, the lighting is more suitable for the painter's work and, moreover, the environment is clean. All painting residues are filtrated which prevents that the spray scatters to other plant's areas or that it contaminates the environment. Currently four professionals take part in the painting team.